Almost every woman has always wanted to have big breasts and unbiased. Generally womenfolk feel sexier and confident if you have large breasts size. To achieve these goals many are willing to take a variety of ways, ranging from medical to natural way.
For those who are rich are more likely to choose medical ways with enlargement surgery. Despite the great risk to health but there are still many who are willing to do so. This proves that there are still many women who are willing to do anything to look beautiful and sexy. Though there are many ways a natural and safe breast augmentation that can be achieved. These methods worth trying because it uses natural ingredients that can be encountered at home. Find out how below
HOW raise breast
for Consumption
1. Consuming Soybeans
Soybeans and food products derived from soy intake so as to raise breast. The content of natural estrogen found in soy can meet the needs of the body's estrogen is beneficial to enlarge your breasts.
2. Milk Consumption
Similarly, soy, milk is also rich in natural Strogen so if consumed regularly will contribute to the development of your breast.
3. Consumption Type Nuts
Almost all types of nuts are rich rich in iron and fiber. And the most important of all types of nuts can increase the hormone estrogen in the body where these hormones have an important role for the growth of breasts.
4. Consumption of Spices
In addition to the ingredients din over the types of spices such as ginger, turmeric, pepper, cloves, and oregano are also excellent for breast augmentation. Therefore multiply these ingredients in your cooking to enlarge your breasts.
For Foreign Drugs
5. Fish Oil
Minya fish very well be used as a topical medication for breast massaging. The trick is to rub the breast with fish oil after a shower while in sequence-sequence. Do this regularly to get the desired results.
6. Onions, Turmeric and Honey
The trick is to mix the onion with turmeric powder and honey cream. Next apply the cream while subsequent breast massaged let stand for 30 minutes. do regularly until visible results.
7. White Eggs
The trick is to rub the breast by using egg white at night when you go to sleep while in sequence-sequence, let up all night. In the morning rinse with warm water while massaging-circular sequence. Do it regularly for maximum results.
Those are some ways to raise your breast with natural ingredients. Combine both the consumed and that the topical as foreign drugs. The result depends on effort and discipline you in do it. If the application does not discipline the hasilpun not optimal. Good luck and hopefully succeed.