Dragon fruit is a fruit that is rich in benefits and is now very easy to encounter began in the usual fruit store up to super market. For those who just know, heard the name "Dragon Fruit" will think this fruit originated from China, I myself also think so. It is very reasonable considering the fruit is almost always can be encountered in traditional ceremonies China. Nevertheless dragon fruit itself actually comes from Mexico, Central America, and South America and including plant varieties of cactus genus Hylocereus and Selenicereus. Currently the dragon fruit has been cultivated in various countries in Asia, including Indonesia.
Dragon fruit itself there are several types that result from different cactus genus. As for the type is as follows:
- Hylocereus undatus, produces red dragon fruit with white flesh.
- Hylocereus polyrhizus, produces pink dragon fruit with red flesh.
- Selenicereus megalanthus, producing dragon fruit yellow and white flesh.
- Hylocereus costaricensis, producing dragon fruit with a very red color.
Bleak as other fruits dragon fruit also contains many useful substances needed by the body. As for the dragon fruit such as fiber, protein, calories, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B12.
1. Keeping the Heart Stay Healthy
The content of vitamins contained in dragon fruit in the form of vitamin C, B1, B2, and B3 turned out very well to keep the heart healthy. The result will be better when eating dragon fruit balanced with regular exercise as healthy walking and moderate exercise.
2. Rich in Antioxidants Prevent Cancer
In addition to rich sources of vitamins dragon fruit is also rich in antioxidants. As is known antioxidants are very good for the body to kill cancer cells. Applicability was easy enough to prepare 500gr then made in dragon fruit juice and consume regularly every day.
3. Enhance Immunity and Body Endurance
Vitamin C is very good to improve the immune system so the body is not susceptible to disease. In one fruit contains vitamin C are very high to boost immunity. So that the fruit is also very well taken by children who are growing.
4. Controlling Blood Sugar And Prevent Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus can be suffered by anyone no matter young or old due to unhealthy lifestyles. Therefore in order terhidar of diabetes then you should implement a lifestyle and a healthy diet. Besides the consumption of dragon fruit is also very good because they contain substances that are effective for controlling and reducing sugar levels in the blood.
5. Lowering Cholesterol
In Dragon fruit contained Vitamin B1, B2, and B3 Vitamin B3 which is very helpful to reduce blood cholesterol effectively if consumed regularly.
6. Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure turned out to be overcome by eating dragon fruit. The fruit is able to restore normal levels of hypertensive person becomes.
7. Inhibits Aging
Antioxidants in addition to overcoming cancer is also very good to prevent premature aging. As is known, in addition to Apples turns dragon fruit Akaya also be an anti-oxidant that could inhibit premature aging.
8. Maintain Healthy Eyes
This fruit also contains carotene which is very useful for maintaining eye health.
9. Neutralize Toxins In The Body
Without us knowing the foods we eat contain many toxic substances that are harmful to the body such as mercury, arsenic and other harmful substances. Eat a dragon fruit regularly and tertaur will provide benefits as a neutralizing these harmful substances.
10. Increase Appetite
For those of you who have a low appetite and want to gain weight then it could be overcome by eating dragon fruit. The content of vitamin B1 and B2 contained in it can increase your appetite.
Well if you've been considers dragon fruit is a fruit that could certainly start to the mengesampingklan your opinion. As is known the benefits of dragon fruit was very much and very good to keep your body healthy and free from diseases. Hopefully this article helpful.