All children at risk of allergies, only different levels. Children's Allergy Immunology Consultants, Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Setiabudiawan, Sp.A (K), Kes, said that children with parents who have a history of allergies, allergy risk by 40-60 percent. This risk could be increased to 60-80 per cent of children whose parents have the same type of allergy.

Meanwhile, if a child has one parent with a history of allergies, allergy risk by 20-30 percent. If the brother who has a history of allergies, the child's risk of allergies by 25-30 percent. In fact, children with parents who do not have a history of allergies were still at risk of developing allergies by 5-15 percent.

"As much as any risk of allergy who owned a child, still requiring treatment as early as possible. It is important that children avoid the effects of long-term growth and development of allergies and is not inhibited. Special children at high risk of allergy due to parental history, more intense monitoring is required to ensure the growth and development occurs optimally, "said Prof. Budi in a press conference Sarihusada.

The surveillance was to monitor and identify clinical symptoms of allergies, triggers, and monitor nutritional intake and replace the intake is more easily digested. "One of intake that can be given to children's allergies is partially hydrolyzed protein, a nutrient from the technology that can cut into shorter chain proteins, so it is more easily digested and accepted the child. This method is also one practical steps to cope with children who are intolerant to cow's milk protein, "added Prof. Budi.
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