Cleanliness is health base. Meanwhile, a saying that in a healthy body there is a strong soul. This is what needs to be imparted to children from an early age. Maintain personal and environmental hygiene is very important in order to create a comfortable living environment and healthy for children and adults.

According to psychologists, Ratih Ibrahim, a cleaner environment will certainly create a healthy environment and a healthy environment will create a strong spirit. It certainly is necessary for the development of the child, as his lunch in the future.

"Cleanliness needs to be taught and familiarized in children. Mom plays an important role to teach him at home. For example, make it a habit to dispose of waste in place, diligently cleaning the body on a regular basis, including changing diapers on a regular basis to maintain healthy skin. Similarly teach handwashing with soap after playing outside, and before and after eating. Mothers need to teach a lot of things, "Ruth said in the inauguration of Flat Taman Cakung some time ago.

In addition to teaching about hygiene, mothers also need to pay attention to growing up. Ratih Ibrahim also suggested that the mother diligently monitor the growth and development of Small Si Posyandu routine, as well as providing food Little nutritionally balanced.
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