The statement that breastfeeding mothers should not drink alcohol, must have often heard. And in fact, if you consume alcohol while breastfeeding, the drinks will flow through the blood and channeled into breast milk.

Note also that even if you only eat a little bit of alcohol, they still affect Little. His heart is not yet mature, so that his body would be difficult to process the drink. Reporting from, the ability of children under 3 years to process the alcohol, only half of adults.

Research also shows the consumption of alcohol in nursing mothers will affect the diet and sleep Little. Consumption 4 ounces of wine or a beer alone can reduce the consumption of breast milk as much as 20 percent. He is drowsy and fall asleep more quickly after the mother drinking alcohol with a shorter span of time sleeping.

In addition to impact on patterns of eating and sleeping, alcohol was also shown to inhibit the development of Small Si. A study of 400 infants showed that motor development of children aged 1 year old whose mother drank a glass of alcohol every day during the first 3 months after birth, slower than babies whose mothers did not consume alcohol.
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