The brain holds all matters pertaining to the body, including sex. Some American scientists discover if sex can affect the brain. Although the outcome is uncertain, but this research can be a reference between sex and brain. So how is the relationship between sex and the brain, according to the scientists?

1. Sex is like a drug
Sex makes people feel better. That is why many people who like sex. Pleasure is caused due to the production of the hormone dopamine during sex. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that activates the brain's satisfaction center. Dopamine is also produced when someone taking sedative drugs, such as cocaine. But sex and cocaine are two very different things. Caffeine, chocolate, and nicotine is said to be also able to activate the brain's satisfaction center.

2. Sex can function as antidepressants
A study conducted at the University of Albany, involving 300 women. The result is found, women who have sex without condoms had fewer symptoms of depression than women who used condoms during sex. Scientists hypothesize if the compound in the sperm, including estrogen and prostaglandins, antidepressants are absorbed into the body after having sex.

3. Sex can cause grief
Sex can just be a fun thing, but after doing so could create something called post-sex blues (dysporia postcoital). Some women say they feel the pain after sex, and sometimes there are no regrets on certain conditions. Researchers do not yet know the cause until today.

4. Sex can reduce pain
Do not miss to enjoy sex when you have a headache. A study in Germany found that sex can relieve migraine. This possibility for their production of the hormone oxytocin, thus reducing pain or the pain.

5. Sex can erase the memory
There are at least 7 out of 100,000 people who experience temporary amnesia after great sex. This amnesia occurs just as if you are under stress, minor injury, pain, medical procedures, and others. Amnesia can last for several minutes or hours. During the case, you absolutely can not remember events that occurred recently. Fortunately, this does not last forever.
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