What exactly is pock-marked?
Pockmarks are hollows form on the face as a result of acne sufferers who scratch pimples with your hands or fingernails so that there was a split on the pimples before time and then leave a mark. Actually pockmarks can be prevented as long as the patient does not scratch or squeeze, but it was left until the acne disappear by itself. To expedite the process, you can read how to get rid of acne naturally.
Pockmarks can make sufferers less confident apalgi for adolescents. Since acne generally occurs in adolescence is therefore very important to know from the beginning of the causes of acne and how to handle it properly so do not risk becoming a lot or getting worse.
Squeeze acne using a nail or other tools besides may cause pockmarked also has other risks are quite dangerous. Acne is squeezed will cause acne and trade around the area where the equipment used will lead to unhygienic bacteria to enter and infect the acne that will cause more acne can even stimulate the growth of cystic acne.
How To Overcome Pockmark Due to Acne Quickly And Naturally
For those who are curious about how to remove a pockmarked naturally here are some ways you can do utilizing natural ingredients diskeitar we were assured usefulness.
1. Using Lime and Honey
Lemon and honey can be a powerful way to eliminate pock, and other scars. The trick grab a tablespoon of honey and then take one tablespoon of lime juice and mix the two. Next apply on the entire face, especially on the face that are pockmarks or scars and black spots caused by acne. Let stand for approximately 20-30 minutes and rinse with clean water. Do this regularly until pockmarks acne scars disappear.
2. Using Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one kind of plant that also has many benefits. One of the properties that we know are good for the hair, but this plant can also be consumed that is made of gelatin. But here is not to discuss it, but using these plants for eliminating acne scars on the face pockmarked. Quite easy, prepare an aloe vera stem and then peel the skin and apply on your face pocked. Let stand about 30 to 50 minutes until the liquid aloe vera is really dry and tasted like there was plastic on the face and then rinse with clean water. For maximum results can be rinsed off with warm water. Perform routine until pockmarked disguise and lost.
3. Using Fruit Tomato and Cucumber
Tomatoes and cucumber is a fruit that is good for the skin. If consumed regularly is believed to make the skin become more refined. In addition, fruit is also good to heal acne scars like pockmarks. Carannya prepare tomatoes and cucumbers then blend the two mixed together. Olaskan evenly on the face as a mask and let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Do this routine three times a week to get maximum results.
4. Using Corn Young
To get rid of acne scars pocked corn using way is by making masks. The trick cut out pieces of corn such as when it will make the cakes then blend until smooth. Make a mask and wear at night, how life spread to the entire face until uniform and then rinse with clean water after it dries, or about 30 to 40 minutes. Why should the evenings? Because at night it is a very good time to do the treatment on the skin.
So 4 to remove acne scars pock quickly and naturally that you can try at home. By applying the above methods regularly Inshallah pockmarks acne scars will heal. Hopefully these tips helpful.