You know whether it artemisinin? The plant seems to have been familiar to us, because we can find plants that grow in the pages of the courtyard dwelling. If you Sundanese people who like the fresh vegetables, this plant is a type of plant that is common to consume as fresh vegetables.
This information I got from someone colleague's office, so the last time on the sidelines of the talks when he told me the benefit beberpa course type plants. One of them is the plant artemisinin, a kind of plant that often we consume as fresh vegetables at home.
Then I try to find detailed information on google. As well ... in fact I just know if artemisinin or crassocephalum crepidioides (called the Sunda) is a kind
plants that have amazing benefits.
Except could treat cancer especially breast cancer, this plant can also cure malaria.
"First, I never thought that this plant has to treat cancer of the womb, even for my family of this plant is indeed the type of plants that are familiar because my father started since ancient times until today is still small is always planted in the house.
Below is an explanation of why artemisinin was awesome ..!
According to research published by Life Science, this plant has been used in Chinese healing and can m3mb * unuh 98% some breast cancer cells only a period of less than 16 hours. This plant contains a substance that acts decrease by 98% of some breast cancer cells, when the plant is coupled with wormwood plant, will finally get rid of almost all of some cancer cells in your body.
"Artemisinin is derived from the wormwood plant (Artemisia annua). The plant extracts have been used in China to fight malaria over several thousand years.
The bioengineers Henry Lai and Narendra Singh of the University of Washington, Seattle, the two scientists who first discovered it. The results of their research have shown that cancer cells are the natural apoptosis (self-destruct).
Hopefully useful. Please share it with your colleagues