Papaya fruit is a fruit that is delicious to eat besides the many benefits of papaya for health. Papaya fruit itself is a fruit that is very easy to be encountered in Indonesia. Even many who have a papaya tree in his yard. So do not be surprised if almost everyone Indonesia never enjoyed the freshness of the fruit of this one. It certainly can not be separated from the tree papaya tree species easily dibudidayan in our country.

In order not to widen it everywhere, on this occasion our discussion of the papaya fruit is only within the scope of benefits only. Maybe for some people only understand the benefits of papaya fruit is only limited by the content of vitamn A very high. But it turns out you need to understand that the papaya fruit contents in a lot of other compounds are certainly rich in benefits for health and medicine.

Vitamin A (1,750 IU)
Vitamin B (12:03 mg)
Vitamin C (56 mg)
Potassium (470 mg)
Iron (0.3 mg)
Calcium (20 mg)
Riboflavin (0:04 mg)
Phosphorus (16 mg)
Niacin (0.3 mg)
Fat (0.1 g)
Carbohydrate (10 g)
Protein (0.6 g)
Calories (39)


1. Maintain Eye Health

It is clear that the content of vitamin A which is very high in fruit papaya certainly be made use to maintain eye health.

2. Prevent Stroke and Heart Attack

Besides rich in vitamin A papaya fruit is also rich in antioxidants which is beneficial at all to prevent oxidation of cholesterol that lead to stroke or heart attack.

3. Improve Immune (immunity)

Perhaps you have the name perna body chills, flu and fever suddenly when the weather was sunny. This could be caused by a decline in the immune or in our immune system. For those who experience it can try to consume papaya to overcome because the vitamin C in these fruits can enhance the immune system.

4. Treating Constipation and Digestive Pemperlancar

The content of papain in papaya is able to kill bacteria that interfere with the digestive system as well as the root cause of constipation. By eating this fruit regularly will prevent you from it and memperlacar BAB.

5. Maintain To Stay Healthy Skin

For those of you who have problems of dry skin and dull can try to resolve it by diligently taking papaya fruit. The content of vitamin C and E in fruit will help children cope with dry skin and rejuvenate your skin cells.

6. Treating Wounds On Skin

Besides dagingbuah rich will benefit the skin turns papaya fruit also has benefits for treating wounds. Therefore if you are suffering from irritation or laceration wounds on the skin you can try a natural remedy to treat it with this one.

7. Pembersi Toxins In The Body

Many of us who like to consume foods ce [at fast food or foods prepared from ingredients that contain substances harmful to the body. Terseut substances can turn into a dangerous poison. Therefore by consuming papaya fruit regularly will make dikandungan antioxidants that neutralize toxins.


So little discussion about the benefits of papaya for health and medicine. Hope can provide benefits for those who read it. Actually there are a lot of properties of papaya fruit itself which will probably be discussed peda another chance. Respectfully.
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